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Drum Set and Piano Duets

Dúos para batería y pianoSánchez-Andrade Fernández, Julio / Antuña Fernández, Gabino / Camacho Morejón, Óscar. Drum set and Piano Duets: “Saepe cadendo” and “5/4 Piano-Brushes”. La Corrada: TakeBrushes. 2012


Despite the numerous publications of specific solo drum set -most of them of great musical quality and very suitable for teaching at various educational levels- it’s uncommon to find drum set with piano accompaniment duets, compositions of great interest to those students of advanced level who want to offer a concert, attend a audition or submitted to a test or tests of opposition.

The duets shown here are intended to help to expand the written literature of this instrument. Although the drum set has not been given adequate attention in the traditional music conservatories, provides an important outlet in the professional field of a percussionist and a form of musical expression that explores current fields of great wealth. There are not meant to be pieces for piano accompanied by the drum set, but rather to be the opposite.

The authors hope that this small contribution demonstrates the musical progress of students and professionals who want to include these duets in their repertoire.